Tag: wildlife

Wordless Wednesday: More from New Jersey

Photographs from the Garden State on the Appalachian Trail

Wordless Wednesday: Shenandoah Wildlife

Wordless Wednesday: Entering Tennessee



When you’re living away from Internet and television and don’t want to carry heavy books in your backpack, you have quite a bit of time alone in your head.  And, my head has a tendency to use that alone time to get organized.  Sometimes, this organization looks really productive and

Q&A: A.T. Thru-Hiker Answers

When you’re hiking the Appalachian Trail, there are a few questions every non-hiker you meet wants to know.  The question set is so predictable that Low Rider, a former thru-hiker who often attends Trail Days, created a handy sticker that provides the answers to these FAQs. First come the questions

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